
Position your brand as soon as possible:
differentiation instead of confrontation

In a world of increasingly saturated markets, brand positioning is emerging as an essential compass for navigating the sea of competitors. Clearly defining your positioning early on is not just a strategy; it's a necessity for any brand, any company, aspiring to stand out and succeed.

Why good early positioning is crucial

Starting early enables a brand to establish a firm foothold in its territory before the battle for market share has even begun. This offers a competitive advantage by reducing the risk of direct confrontation with the giants of the sector. Dropbox, for example, has succeeded in distinguishing itself in the crowded online storage market by positioning itself not just as a storage service but also as a tool that facilitates collaboration and efficiency in the workplace.

The power of differentiation

Brand positioning must be unique and precise. It's not just a question of choosing a market segment, but of weaving together all the perceptions that the target market will have of your brand. Take Apple as an example: their commitment to innovation and simplicity has helped them create a robust and recognisable brand identity that sets them apart from their competitors.

The importance of a clear brand message

A clear and consistent brand message strengthens your positioning and ensures that all brand communications reinforce the brand's values and unique proposition. It is crucial that this message is integrated consistently across all platforms and customer touchpoints. A brand like Nike, with its iconic slogan ‘Just Do It’, is a perfect example of how a simple, powerful message can resonate across the globe, inspiring action and loyalty.


Opting for early work on your brand positioning means choosing the path of differentiation rather than confrontation. It's an approach that not only lays a solid foundation for all future marketing strategies, but also forges a lasting connection with your target audience.

Investing in your brand positioning now is the first step towards sustainable success in a competitive market.

Would you like to talk about it? Don't hesitate to contact our specialists!


Davide Calligaris

Article author

Davide Calligaris
Marketing strategy specialist

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