
Crystel Wüthrich and Romaine Zwygart

Crystel and Romaine are founders of With Love to Myself, whose visual identity we designed. They give us their impressions of our collaboration, which resulted in a new visual identity for WLTM :

“We were at the very beginning of our adventure, so we needed to create an image that was consistent with our concept - not just for the launch, but over the long term - that we could work with independently. We needed a solid base from which to work independently. Whether in terms of logo or graphic charter, we really wanted to lay down something, to create our identity, to be guided in the right direction in terms of our marketing/communications. 
At that point, we sounded out several agencies, including Inox, with whom we had excellent contact. We were able to see some of their earlier work, which was sober and elegant, and which really spoke to us. 

"Inox listened attentively and was open to dialogue, so as to better understand our concept, then explained the options it wanted to offer us in a simple, rational way."

We greatly appreciated the team's availability and open-mindedness. We've often had to deal with service providers who gave us advice, but had no real ability to listen. From the outset of the project, Inox was open to dialogue, so as to better understand our concept, and then to explain in a simple and rational way the options they wished to propose. This attitude put us at ease, and we almost felt part of the team.

As this was our first experience in this field, the agency naturally made us aware of the different aspects to be considered in an entrepreneurial project, playing a welcome coaching role, going beyond pure communications, even supporting us beyond the initial specifications.” 

With Love to Myself website

Crystel Wüthrich et Romaine Zwygart

Crystel Wüthrich and Romaine Zwygart

With Love to Myself founders