Campaign management

Campaign management

Create, produce and control your marketing campaigns

Managing marketing campaigns requires flawless execution. We provide you with the resources you need to bring your campaigns to fruition, acting as an external marketing department with variable geometry.

From creation to production, we ensure total control to maximise the impact of each campaign.

Tailor-made development

The right content, for the right people, at the right time: that's the mantra of any successful communications strategy. We create and produce all the essential elements of a campaign, whether digital or physical: multilingual copywriting, photography, video, animation and 3D. What's more, we develop the entire system to ensure your optimum presence on the market.

Single-entry-point project management


We take charge of the complete management and monitoring of all your projects, from creation to production. We continuously monitor and analyse key performance indicators (KPIs), so that we can identify and activate levers for improvement to maximise your results.

Our solutions

  • Awareness or sales campaigns
  • Content creation and planning
  • User experience and web design
  • Website and e-commerce
  • Social media management
  • E-mailing and newsletters
  • Definition and measurement of performance indicators and return on investment

Tailor-made tools and content


Entrust us with your campaign


"Tout t'est possible"

Que permet l'apprentissage ? C'est autour de cet axe que notre équipe, mandatée par le Service des formations postobligatoires et de l’orientation neuchâtelois (SFPO), a réalisé un concept et une campagne de communication pour sensibiliser les jeunes du canton à cette voie et aux nombreuses perspectives qu’elle offre.


Mon Dossier santé

Jusqu'à présent, la collaboration pour gérer le dossier d'un patient n'était pas toujours facile pour les différents acteurs de la santé impliqués. Avec l'arrivée de Mon Dossier Santé, le dossier électronique du patient de Neuchâtel, la situation évolue ! Inox Communication a soutenu l'équipe de Mon Dossier Santé pour élaborer l'identité de la solution, sa stratégie de communication et sa mise en place opérationnelle.



With a history spanning over 125 years, BCN is the no.1 bank in the canton of Neuchâtel. By repositioning and evolving its brand identity, BCN aims to differentiate itself from its competitors thanks to an exclusive proximity-based customer experience built on 3 fundamental pillars: its Neuchâtel-based heritage, its accessibility and human touch, and its simplicity and modernness.