Study of digital professions and education


Constantly evolving technologies raise the question of training for digital professions and how well it meets the needs of the market, in both quantitative and qualitative terms: Is society training enough talented people? Is training consistent with professional needs?


Inox assisted the State of Vaud and AlpICT in developing a study to provide clear and objective indicators of the number of training courses offered by the canton of Vaud, while assessing their relevance in terms of programmes with a view to satisfactorily meeting the requirements of Vaud's economic structure.


The work process was divided into three main phases. Firstly, Enovating's data mining enabled us to collect, correlate and analyse data reflecting the needs of the professional market and the training on offer.

1 - Data mining: this stage involved identifying the digital training courses on offer in the canton of Vaud and the job vacancies published between December 2021 and June 2022 (Period 1), then over a second period between May and July 2023 (Period 2).

Graph 1

Graph 2

2- Survey: An online questionnaire was also submitted to Vaud-based companies to help them understand the issues they face. As a result, 200 questionnaires were returned to the study task force, with key information corresponding to the challenges faced by economic players.

This information helped to flesh out the study's understanding of companies' needs, challenges and recruitment methods.


3 - Workshops : Numerous inputs from companies and academics were gathered and synthesised following around thirty interviews with companies selected to reflect the diversity of the economic fabric confronted with digital needs, not forgetting academic and continuing training courses.
not forgetting the academic and continuing education sectors.

This was supplemented by discussion workshops with 25 participating companies, during which a number of ideas were put forward, resulting in a report containing a series of recommendations.


Main recommendations

Promote through communication and awareness-raising

Support professional retraining

Encourage and adopt a vision based on hybridisation

Encourage public-private partnerships in training

Accelerate and promote existing initiatives
